How to transition to remote work and keep your business secure
As more teams transition to remote work, business owners are facing new challenges to ensure work can continue successfully outside the regular office setting.
At ShadowSafe, we’ve been preparing businesses for moments like these — ensuring the right systems, tools and applications are in place to enable secure remote work.
Here are three things you need to do to run your team remotely, without compromising your business cybersecurity:
#1 Secure all connections.
With employees taking home laptops or using personal devices on a home internet connection, it’s critical to have measures in place to secure the connect between their device and your business network.
Enable 2-Factor authentication for all accounts
Set up a VPN to secure access to your business network
Configure account settings to require regular re-authentication (prevents ongoing access when your team have left their machine)
Use a VPN when connecting to any wifi network.
#2 Protect your devices.
It’s our recommendation that all devices have some form of endpoint protection. Whether it’s a basic antivirus (at minimum) or a fully managed cloud based protection suite, which we offer to our clients.
Ensure all devices have endpoint protection (anti-malware, ransomware protection, virus scanner)
Require a password or biometric key for devices + auto-locking after a set period of time (including phones)
Recommend local disk encryption (BitLocker for Windows, filevault for Mac)
Note: If you’re a ShadowSafe endpoint protection customer, we’re offering 1 additional device protection license for free (effective March 2020, subject to change).
Ensure all devices are protected by passcode or biometric ID.
#3 Keep communication channels open.
It’s easy to know what’s going on when everyone’s in the same place, but working online requires extra measures for effective communication. Fortunately, we have an abundance of tools to help encourage communication and collaboration. You can still hold team stand-ups (aka; town-halls), weekly meetings, even friday arvo online social drinks.
Utilise existing communication tools to your advantage (i.e Microsoft Teams, Slack)
Continue to answer business calls as-if you are in the office
Hold regular video meetups via Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Slack.
Note: If you have a ShadowSafe cloud phone system, you’ll be able to continue taking calls from wherever you are working, you just need a headset with a microphone.
Schedule video group calls with your team each day to connect.
In summary, the future of work has been pointing towards a more global remote workforce for some time now. The recent COVID-19 events has pushed us further down this path.
Business owners should embrace the new challenges and opportunities that are presented today. As leaders, ask yourself: “What does this make possible?” in your business.
The story doesn’t end here.
Share your thoughts and experiences in our social feeds.
If you have any questions — book a call with our team. We’re here to help.